File Ref. PC/A/6C YAP TERMINAL JETA1 RETURNS TO NORMAL OPERATIONS September 4, 2018 Pohnpei, Federated States of Micronesia, September 4, 2018 – On Monday, August 27, 2018, Vital FSM Petroleum Corporation announced to our valued customers in Yap that aircraft refueling operations have returned to normal. JetA1 (aviation) fuel supplies had been limited over a...Continue Reading
File Ref. PC/A/6C FSM PETROLEUM CORPORATION ANNOUNCES FURTHER PRICE INCREASES FOR FUEL EXPECTED May 22, 2018 Pohnpei, Federated States of Micronesia, May 18, 2018 – Vital FSM Petroleum Corporation (FSMPC) announces to its valued customers the potential of further increases in wholesale gasoline, kerosene and diesel prices in the coming weeks. This will be the...Continue Reading
File Ref. PC/A/6 PRESS STATEMENT April 5, 2018 FSMPC ANNOUNCES PRICE INCREASE Pohnpei, Federated States of Micronesia, April 4, 2018 – Vital FSM Petroleum Corporation (FSMPC) has implemented the second of three scheduled price increases for gasoline that became effective Tuesday, March 20, 2018. Pump prices in the FSM now parallel Guam and remain below...Continue Reading
File Ref. PC/A/6C PRESS STATEMENT February 26, 2018 MOU SIGNING BETWEEN VITAL FSMPC AND POHNPEI STATE GOVERNMENT DEPT OF PUBLIC SAFETY – DIVISION OF FIRE & EMERGENCY SERVICES Pohnpei, Federated States of Micronesia, February 20, 2018 – Vital FSM Petroleum Corporation (FSMPC) and Pohnpei State Government, Department of Public Safety, Division of Fire & Emergency Services...Continue Reading
File Ref. PC/A/6C February 2, 2018 VITAL FSM PETROLEUM CORPORATION ANNOUNCES PRICE INCREASE Pohnpei, Federated States of Micronesia, February 2, 2018 – Vital FSM Petroleum Corporation (FSMPC) announces to its valued customers a notice of potential increases in the wholesale price of gasoline, kerosene and diesel. FSMPC’s pricing benchmark seeks to keep fuel prices...Continue Reading
In 2017, Vital established an annual scholarship program which is currently administered by the Rotary Club of Pohnpei. This Scholarship will support FSM citizens who pursue a post-high school education in the priority fields of Engineering, Chemistry, Agriculture, and certain business fields consistent with VITAL’s business interests and needs. Other areas of study may be considered, but Engineering and Science...Continue Reading
POHNPEI, FSM – On August 13, 2016, the FSM Petroleum Corporation (FSMPC) and the Rotary Club of Pohnpei (RCP) signed a historic agreement to establish and manage a scholarship fund for FSM students. FSMPC has partnered with the RCP since 2013, where the company has provided about 50% of the funding that the Club distributes...Continue Reading