As a national corporation, we have a responsibility to the people of Micronesia to deliver competitive petroleum prices that will in turn drive the economy. However, we are also responsible for delivering returns to the government who is our major shareholder, returns that are then reinvested in the development of our nation.
We are accessible throughout the Federated States of Micronesia with our head office in Pohnpei.
Each of he 4 island states has its own bulk station and delivery trucks to distribute fuel efficiently throughout the region.
Vital doesn’t believe in standing still.
We have an aggressive plan to re-invest operating capitol back into the company to improve all areas of the business including further consolidation of purchasing power in the region, strategic oil reserve tank development, truck replacement and staff training.
We will continue to re-invest in our people. On-going training of Vital staff will ensure that we remain a leader in energy distribution throughout the region.
We are not a foreign national company.
The protection of our islands isn’t an afterthought. It underlies everything we do.
Our marine environment is crucial to the livelihood of countless Micronesian residents and we deliberately ensure its ongoing protection.
The sites on which our tanks are based are being upgraded and maintained with the absolute minimum impact to surrounding areas & this will continue being a key driver moving forward. While crucial to the ongoing viability of our economy, fuel is only 1 source of energy.